Wednesday 23 March 2011

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Did you know that the Canadian army started to go help in Afghanistan in September 2001 ? Even if they went in Afghanistan 4 month after the United-States they helped if not more the Afghanistan people who needed them than the United-States. In this blog you will read why we think that the Canadian army did a great job by going in Afghanistan. The school they built for the children, the changes they made for the women, what they exactly did and a lot more. For those who don’t know why the Canadian army when to help the United-States in Afghanistan, well stick around and continue reading because you’ll find out. Even if you are not interested in the things that are happening in Afghanistan and you just think that our soldiers are dying for nothing, continue reading and you will find out that what they do is not just to fight but also to help the children of Afghanistan and organize event to raise funds for them. This is the mission of Canadian Army and we are for it.

Canadian army in Afghanistan

The mission of Canadian Army in Afghanistan is a peace's mission. The Canadian soldiers installed a solid government with a constitution, a council of ministers, a president, ... After the event of the september 11st, the American Army with the collaboration with many other countries sent a lot of soldiers to defeat the Taliban's power and the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Several months later, they succeed the mission in Afghanistan. The Taliban's empire is defeated, but there was a destroyed country behind the war.

A lot of soldiers went back to their home, but many others stayed in the country to reconstruct it. American Army wasn't very appreciate in Afghanistan because all the destruction is their fault. So, Canadian Army who helping with the American Army isn't very appreciate too, but the goal of the mission is very good. They helping people in many domains. The women's rights, the schools for everyone, the new jobs who was created for the Afghanistan's workers and the health's right for everyone were exemple of the ways of Canadian Army helping.

Sources :

- GOVERNMENT OF CANADA. Canadian Involvement in Afghanistan, [online]. [] (March 23rd, 2011)

School in Afghanistan

Over the years, the Canadian Forces have established a tradition of organizing sports events to raise funds for humanitarian causes and to have money to build school for the Afghan children. Because the children of Afghanistan, specially the girls don’t go to school. Many schools in Afghanistan have been affected by the Taliban. Some schools have been totally destroyed. In Kabul, 25 schools were destroyed. Under the Taliban, girls couldn’t go to school. Now, because of the intervention of the Canadian army, girls are now permitted to go to school. Since the Canadian army arrived in Afghanistan, I personally think that the life of many girls in Afghanistan changed for the better. They can go school now and learn new things instead of staying home with their mother. The Canadian army raised fun for the schools, so they can buy some necessary school material. Because in the Afghan school they learn new things without all the material we use in our school in Quebec or all other rich countries. That’s why it’s great that the Canadian army is in Afghanistan to build some school and other useful stuff for the Afghanistan people which go to school.

Sources :

- Canadian soldiers raise money, army forces ( (November 12 2010)

- Rebuilding Afghanistan, Afghanistan war ( a/cpc/swf/cida_exhibit/template.swf) (march 8 2011)

Government of Afghanistan

The official government of Islamic State of Afghanistan under President Burhanuddin Rabbani was displaced by the Taliban’s organization in 1996. The Taliban’s power is in 95 % of the country in 2001. United Nations and many other countries like United States of America, Canada, France and United Kingdom don’t recognize the Taliban government. Only Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Pakistan recognize that the Taliban is the official government.

In 2001, the Taliban attacks and destroys the Twins Towers in New-York and attacks. The United States sent a request for the capture of Osama bin Laden to Taliban and they refuse to hand him over. United States made a coalition force and military action on the ground with many other countries. On November 17th, the Taliban lost officially the power.

Presently, the official government of Afghanistan includes two organizations: the Council of Ministers and the National Assembly. The government’s chief is at the head of state and commander-in-chief of the military power. His name is President Hamid Karzai who is backed by two vice-presidents. The current head of state was declared the first president democratically who was elected by the population of Afghanistan. The first legislature (government Karzai) was elected in 2005 and, in 2010, the current government.

Sources :

- WIKIPEDIA. Politics of Afghanistan, [online]. [] (March 8th, 2011)

- GLOBAL SECURITY. Afghanistan Politics, [online]. [] (March 9th, 2011)

- CBS NEWS. The Taliban in Afhanistan, [online]. [] (March 9th, 2011)

Ways used by Canadian soldiers to help

The war in Afghanistan makes a lot of dead and injured person. The Canadian army isn’t there to make war, it’s an army of peace. They decide to do something to repair the damage to all of the population and the building. That's why they sent military doctors. To help people who need to be treated. That intervention was very appreciate by the Afghan people. To prove it, one hundred canadian doctors got honored with a monument done hand made in a school. To be honored, they treated people with dangerous curses like malaria or scurvy. They are not scared of diseases, they work without prejudice. Although the doctors want to help,  so they need some protection, as can you imagine. The Taliban killed one of their similar to affect the U.S. army so thats why it is generated to affecte Americans. These are why soldiers were sent to Afghanistan, not only for peaceful maters they are ready to kill if they don’t have other choice. And we must not judge them as mean and that they have no mercy they are there to help first. Finaly, yes this war is ravaging, yes she does die, but the Canadian military is aware of what is their limit and what are the damage which are present in that territory.
Martine Lavalé Sur le site de cyberpresse [en ligne] [](8 mars 2010)

The Taliban

In 1994, the Taliban (meaning "student" in Arabic) which is a movement created by the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-run religious school for afghan refugees in Pakistan is devlopped in Afghanistan as a politico-religious against the tyranny of the government. This movement has been started by Mullah Mohammed Omar which is simply called Mullah Omar with only about 50 armed of those religious students in his hometown of Kandahar in spring 1994. Their first major military activity is when they marched northward from Maiwand and they captured Kandahar city and the provinces around in 1994 and they only lost a few dozen men. In the same year, they took control of 12 of 34 provinces who weren't under central government control. The Taliban’s early victories in 1994 were followed by a series of defeats that resulted in heavy losses. At this time, Pakistan started to provide stronger military support to the Taliban. On September 26, 1996, the Taliban with military support by Pakistan and financial support by Saudi Arabia prepared for another major offensive on Kabul. They finally seized Kabul on September 27, 1996, and established the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The only major anti-Taliban leader who never left Afghanistan for exile was Amhad Shah Massoud. He was also able to defend vast parts of his territory against the Taliban.

WIKIPEDIA. «Taliban».wikipedia.[en ligne][] (20 march 2011)

Afghan women

Since many centuries, afghan women are denied in their society even if God ordered that men and women were equal. They’re totally considered as under the men like an animal or an object. This inferiority is the result of the Taliban's power, an extremist islamic group that took control of Afghanistan in 1996. The women lost the right to inheritance, the right to vote, the right to work and many others. Women have to follow many abusive rules. They’re forbidden to work, to leave the house without a man, to see medical help from a male doctor and they’re forced to cover themselves from head to toe at all time with a burqa. Many women lost their jobs to prostitute themselves to feed their families.

In 2001, women are now allow to work, to not wear the burqa anymore and they are appoint to prominent positions in the government. However, Afghan women are forced into marriages and their education is still denied. As answer, many schools were burned and some girls were poisoned to death.

Finally, since 2004, a new Afghan constitution appeared to protect girls and women. They’re now considered as citizens equal to men. The constitution explained that women should be saw, heard and read.

ABDULLAH, Qazi. «The Plight of the Afghan Woman», Afghanistan online, [en ligne]. [] (March 21st, 2011)