Wednesday, 23 March 2011

The Taliban

In 1994, the Taliban (meaning "student" in Arabic) which is a movement created by the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-run religious school for afghan refugees in Pakistan is devlopped in Afghanistan as a politico-religious against the tyranny of the government. This movement has been started by Mullah Mohammed Omar which is simply called Mullah Omar with only about 50 armed of those religious students in his hometown of Kandahar in spring 1994. Their first major military activity is when they marched northward from Maiwand and they captured Kandahar city and the provinces around in 1994 and they only lost a few dozen men. In the same year, they took control of 12 of 34 provinces who weren't under central government control. The Taliban’s early victories in 1994 were followed by a series of defeats that resulted in heavy losses. At this time, Pakistan started to provide stronger military support to the Taliban. On September 26, 1996, the Taliban with military support by Pakistan and financial support by Saudi Arabia prepared for another major offensive on Kabul. They finally seized Kabul on September 27, 1996, and established the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. The only major anti-Taliban leader who never left Afghanistan for exile was Amhad Shah Massoud. He was also able to defend vast parts of his territory against the Taliban.

WIKIPEDIA. «Taliban».wikipedia.[en ligne][] (20 march 2011)